Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I saw the trailer on TV last week, and it looked like the Lake House meets the Notebook.
I love Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana (he was so hot in Troy!).

I decided to read the book.
Nicholas Sparks, eat your heart out.

I've always been intrigued with the concept of time travel.
Here are my takes on it:
-It is a continuum.
-Some things are meant to happen. God has a plan. Therefore, if you somehow had the ability to go back and change things, it wouldn't change much. Whatever was supposed to happen will happen, if only in a different way. (See If Only starring Jennifer Love Hewitt)
-The number 8 goes with it. [Clare and Henry are 8 years apart. The DeLorean in Back to the Future had to be at 88 to travel back.]

I could get more into it, but I should get back to the novel. To have genes that allow you to randomly travel through time is a scary concept. Henry can't control when he leaves or where he goes. He meets Claire when he is 28. Claire meets Henry when she is 6. They were meant to be together. It's a very passionate love ;] It's in first-person narrative from both Claire and Henry. You need to pay attention to the dates and ages given, or it gets confusing. If they're 8 years apart, then it's present time. Also, there's a bit of French in the book. I got to put my 3 years of high school French to use!

As I watched the trailer after reading the book, there were subtle differences. The proposal isn't like the story. While reading the book, I was more interested when Henry traveled. The film probably expresses Clare's struggle in longing and waiting more thoroughly than in the book, which makes sense. It is called the Time Traveler's WIFE. Still, I'm thinking it's pretty close.

So I'm excited for that movie. I'd choose to watch it over Band Slam. Then again, Band Slam has a sneak peak at New Moon. But what if it's the same clips shown at ComicCon that I have already watched on YouTube?

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