Monday, January 1, 2007


The first official entry in this blog is dated 7/21/09. Since then, I've complied past entries from my other blogs, so that everything is in one place.

I created this blog in addition to a scrapbook for all my Concert Life memories.

The idea started at work. We had so many slightly used colored papers. It seemed like such a waste to just recycle or dispose of them, so why not reuse?

I decided to print out my Jonas Brothers concert photos. I don't have pictures of everytyhing; my computers have crashed in the past, and some have been lost.

It seemed clear a physical album was necessary to preserve this new chapter in my life.

I enjoyed creating the Jonas Brothers pages, and decided to make pages for all the other concerts and events I attended. Soon, there were many more colors in my scrapbook:
Jonas Brothers - blue
Wicked - green
Twilight - red
V Factory - lavender
ABDC - purple
etc. etc.

It makes me happy to see so many pages.

Now a days, I'm adding pages a slower pace, but I hope to continue adding pages for a long time.

Oh, and the blog name?
Amusant means fun in French.
Jamz is a nickname.

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