I'm listening to "Twilight" by Travis Garland as I write this blog. It's super cute.
First of all, New Moon ranks 4th in the series for me. The absence of Edward and the annoying-ness of Bella made it difficult for me to read the book.
I didn't obsess over this film as I had over Twilight. But I enjoyed New Moon WAY MORE. It could be due to the fact that I hold the book to a lower standard.
New Moon was a very good adaptation! They kept most of the stuff in the book, and I'm sure because I read the book on Wednesday.
Taylor Lautner is Jacob Black.
The werewolves were VERY nice to look at. =]
My husband, Jackson Rathbone/Jasper Cullen, got an extra scene!
I always got mad at Edward for freaking leaving. But when he apologizes in the movie, I totally forgive him!!
I love the ending.
Lame moments:
1. Alice's vision - did they have to wear those clothes and run in slow motion?
2. Jacob called Bella "loca"
Things that were better in Twilight:
Jasper's hair
the soundtrack
New Moon had a $50 million budget this time.
It made $26 million in Friday midnight showings and holds the top record.
$140 million weekend total. 3rd highest overall.
I'm so proud! Eclipse better be the BOMB.
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