I'd say the R word, but that may be to strong. They gave me tickets last season (not every week), so I just need to figure out how their system works.
But everyone else who put their ethnicity as White or Black got tickets 2 weeks ago! Then again, they only requested 2 tickets each. *Sigh* and if it is because THEY recorded my attendance to a couple shows incorrectly, then that just makes me angry.
But here are tips when requesting tickets on 1iota.com:
-Provide a photo.
-Put that you're black or white. They tend to get tickets first.
-Lower amounts of tickets requested have better chances.
At least I have friends who are willing to take me as their guest =]

So I changed nothing about my ethnicity and still requested 3 tickets for the second ABDC show, and I got tickets right away. Just when you think you have it figured out, they change on you. xD Or maybe they saw this blog? o_O
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