Live Blogging:
8:15 Christina Aguilera fell! Oh xtina.
8:54 This Bruno Mars black and white thing is really cool! I got excited when he said "just the way you are."
This arrangement of "Grenade" is a nice refreshing change from the tune that's being played out on the radio at the moment.
Jaden Smith is getting taller. Will, Jada, and Willow look so proud, as they should be.
Whoa!Usher just made his sunglasses disappear! That was really cool!!! Oh, is Bieber wearing them?
Selena Gomez read Justin's pop album nomination, wink.
9:50 Ceelo looks gnarly. I'm digging the puppet band.
Gweneth is sounds great! Her heels are super high! I'd be scared to walk in those, let alone stand on a piano!
10:00 I love glittery eye shadow. I wish I had an occasion to rock it.
Awww! Katy had footage of her wedding in the background! She reminded me Valentines Day is tomorrow.
Okay, I know "Teenage Dream" already says it all. Her choregoraphy is still funny to me. It doesn't even try to be innocent at all.
10:03 Does John Mayer not know the words to this song? That was nice! They should have performed more!
10:12 Seth Rogen made the joke I sort of expected to come up this evening.
10:15 Rihanna's dress looks firey. This performance with Eminiem is FIRE. I feel the anger. It's pulling me in, making sure I pay attention and WATCH his performance.
I thought they were kidding when they said Avril Lavigne was on stage too. The lighting is dimmed everytime she takes the stage. I almost didn't recognize her with the shorter black hair.
Here's Dre! Wow.
10:40 It won't matter if you can swagger like 'ol Mic Jagger. If you got heart and soul you can rock and roll. That was awesome.
10:53 Eminem's chain resembles the Deathly Hallows. Minus the Elder Wand.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Drama fix
I watch too much TV!
I already have Pretty Little Liars, Greek, One Tree Hill, NCIS, Hellcats, Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, and General Hospital.
I've taken on House of Anubis.
My Life as Liz is back.
Glee is back.
I already gave up Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. I'm giving up Gossip Girl too.
Brittany mentioned One Tree Hill in a not-so-nice comment. One Tree Hill still retains a good audience for the CW even though it is in the same time slot as Glee and NCIS. Why? Because its fans are true and loyal.
They also mentioned One Tree Hill on Greek tonight.
OTH won't be cancelled. It will end, thank you very much.
I already have Pretty Little Liars, Greek, One Tree Hill, NCIS, Hellcats, Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, and General Hospital.
I've taken on House of Anubis.
My Life as Liz is back.
Glee is back.
I already gave up Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. I'm giving up Gossip Girl too.
Brittany mentioned One Tree Hill in a not-so-nice comment. One Tree Hill still retains a good audience for the CW even though it is in the same time slot as Glee and NCIS. Why? Because its fans are true and loyal.
They also mentioned One Tree Hill on Greek tonight.
OTH won't be cancelled. It will end, thank you very much.
One Tree Hill,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Lunar Superbowl Sunday
Family Fun Weekends are all the buzz lately at Disneyland. Fiesta and Kickin' Country weekends didn't appeal to me. I might have made an effort for Character Fan Days if it featured characters I really long to see (like Marie from Aristocats, villans, Phineas, Ferb and Perry).
Lunar New Year sounded cool. I sort of dressed for the occasion. It was Superbowl Sunday, but I didn't expect crowds to be light. I didn't think it was terribly crowded. FastPass reservations weren't too far in advanced. But then again, I hardly went on any rides.
The festival area is a HUGE, sort of hidden area of the park. I always thought it was a dead end past BTMRR and the petting zoo, but the area connects to Fantasyland!
Chinese Mickey, Minnie, Chip and Dale were out meeting and greeting people. Mickey and Minnie were just about to leave as we arrived. We lined up to be first for Mulan and Mushu. There was a dance number on stage. It was cute, though not authentic. Staged tourism, as I learned in intercultural communications last semester. But this is Disneyland, where everything is staged.
Mulan was nice. Mushuis as tall as her. Chip and Dale spit up and each got their own stations. I met Dale. His autograph is cool, he draws a picture of himself. I told him he was cooler than Chip.
There were also other dances from actual Asian groups, coloring tables, and expensive tea for purchase. As we were leaving, there was a dragon dance going through the audience.
After riding it's a small world, we went to Toontown. We saw Goofy and got in line to meet him. He started walking around and you had to follow. It wasn't as amusing as the Wonderland crew or Peter Pan.
We met Steamboat Willy at Mickey's House.
Courtney bought me a Disney Nerds lanyard! So I may start pin trading.
Decided on a corndog for lunch. It really hit the spot!
Saw Alice and Mad Hatter come out for musical chairs.
We crossed the esplanade and walked all the way around the construction walls to enter California Adventure. We got to watch Disney Channel Rocks. I like that they incorporate the World of Color fountains, but it would be more fun with a traveling stage like the High School Musical shows. I felt I was more into the show than the rest of the audience combined! I was dancing and singing along. Most of the songs were from Camp Rock.
Then, we played the boardwalk games. There was a little bending of the rules that resulted in a medium prize from the fishing game. Hahahahaha.
We did parent swap for California Screamin' and Tower of Terror. We passed through ElecTRONica on the way out. These girls had pink and red-lit Minnie bows. We wanted to buy some too, but they had purchased them in Japan. Dang.
Lunar New Year sounded cool. I sort of dressed for the occasion. It was Superbowl Sunday, but I didn't expect crowds to be light. I didn't think it was terribly crowded. FastPass reservations weren't too far in advanced. But then again, I hardly went on any rides.
The festival area is a HUGE, sort of hidden area of the park. I always thought it was a dead end past BTMRR and the petting zoo, but the area connects to Fantasyland!
Chinese Mickey, Minnie, Chip and Dale were out meeting and greeting people. Mickey and Minnie were just about to leave as we arrived. We lined up to be first for Mulan and Mushu. There was a dance number on stage. It was cute, though not authentic. Staged tourism, as I learned in intercultural communications last semester. But this is Disneyland, where everything is staged.
Mulan was nice. Mushuis as tall as her. Chip and Dale spit up and each got their own stations. I met Dale. His autograph is cool, he draws a picture of himself. I told him he was cooler than Chip.
There were also other dances from actual Asian groups, coloring tables, and expensive tea for purchase. As we were leaving, there was a dragon dance going through the audience.
After riding it's a small world, we went to Toontown. We saw Goofy and got in line to meet him. He started walking around and you had to follow. It wasn't as amusing as the Wonderland crew or Peter Pan.
We met Steamboat Willy at Mickey's House.
Courtney bought me a Disney Nerds lanyard! So I may start pin trading.
Decided on a corndog for lunch. It really hit the spot!
Saw Alice and Mad Hatter come out for musical chairs.
We crossed the esplanade and walked all the way around the construction walls to enter California Adventure. We got to watch Disney Channel Rocks. I like that they incorporate the World of Color fountains, but it would be more fun with a traveling stage like the High School Musical shows. I felt I was more into the show than the rest of the audience combined! I was dancing and singing along. Most of the songs were from Camp Rock.
Then, we played the boardwalk games. There was a little bending of the rules that resulted in a medium prize from the fishing game. Hahahahaha.
We did parent swap for California Screamin' and Tower of Terror. We passed through ElecTRONica on the way out. These girls had pink and red-lit Minnie bows. We wanted to buy some too, but they had purchased them in Japan. Dang.
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Park
I'm proud to say that I was at Electric Heart's first show.
They performed six songs, beginning with "PopStar" and ending with "You Are the One."
They performed six songs, beginning with "PopStar" and ending with "You Are the One."
Electric Hearts
Monday, January 3, 2011
OTH Accidents!
The following article made me laugh and smile. I appreciate articles that count how many times similar or identical situations occur (e.g. the number of times Luc and Tess say "I know, right?" in Camp Rock 2). Fans like me really don't care that every major character of One Tree Hill has almost died. Remember what we learned from the (second) prom episode in Honey Grove, Texas? No one else has the same drama as these characters. The only thing you can relate to is the love and heart ache. I love these characters and I love this show!
'One Tree Hill' Loves Almost Killing Off Characters
We still have two weeks until One Tree Hill officially returns for the last half of its eighth and most likely final season. And I gotta say, the show is actually better than it's been in years. It's still beating network favorite Gossip Girl in ratings and fans are more turned in then ever.
But, I gotta point something out. If you're a Tree Hill fan, then you undoubtedly noticed it, but the show has a tendency to feature a major car accident EVERY SEASON. Well, except season 7. But still. Seriously, every main character has gotten into a major car accident and nearly died. Every single one.
Let's recap, shall we?
So here's a little recap:
# of car accidents: 7 (at very least)
# of main character deaths due to those car accidents: 0
These are just the car accidents. I didn't even really get into the other death-ridden plot lines. Karen almost dies during pregnancy complications, Keith does die after Dan shoots him, Deb nearly overdoses on pills, Quinn and Clay get shot by Katy, Lucas has heart failure from his HCM, Rachel and Cooper almost drown, Quentin gets shot by Brooke's attacker, Peyton gets shot in the school shooting.
Actually, that's a sh*t load of shootings too. I could probably go on.
Moral of the story? We don't even care. No fan really does. It doesn't make us hate the show. Neither does the fact that every main character is famous (Peyton a record producer, Lucas a novelist, Brooke a fashion designer, Nathan an NBA star, Haley a musician etc). These are just things we learn to love about One Tree Hill, despite our forced suspension of disbelief.
One request though: Please kill off Mouth in a very dramatic (and appropriately annoying) car crash -- preferably by a car driven by the ghost of Jimmy Edwards or something equally ridiculous. I hate him. Thanks.
Original article:
I would also like to say that I was on the edge of my seat while watching Darkness on the Edge of Town. Quinn, Brooke, Jamie, and Julian were in so much danger! They showed Julian giving Brooke CPR, then showed a hand move, but they had changed scenes to show Quinn!
Brooke and Julian are so great together. The future B. Davis Baker has a good man. <3
This was the 11th episode of Season 8. It could have been a bittersweet ending to the series, except not all the characters were in it. If all goes well, we still have 8 more episodes!
'One Tree Hill' Loves Almost Killing Off Characters
The latest car crash. [ Image Source ]
But, I gotta point something out. If you're a Tree Hill fan, then you undoubtedly noticed it, but the show has a tendency to feature a major car accident EVERY SEASON. Well, except season 7. But still. Seriously, every main character has gotten into a major car accident and nearly died. Every single one.
Let's recap, shall we?
Lucas lands in a coma after his inebriated uncle turns at a red light in season 1. His real father, Dan, is forced to save him and despite a hurt shoulder, surgery and going into a coma, he's fine. Miraculous!
Nathan, like his brother, slipped into a coma due to a car crash. He intentionally drives a race car off the road in season 2. Not only that, but he also inadvertently causes two other car crashes – one that makes Rachel and his Uncle Cooper drive off a bridge (season 3) and one that injures his pregnant wife (season 4). Way to go, Nate. Oh, and he crashes Peyton's car in season 1 while he's driving drunk.
Peyton's adopted mother died when she ran a red light and Peyton tempted fate a few times in season 1. Aside from the psycho stalker who tried to kill her, getting shot in the leg by a school shooter and the near-fatal birth of her daughter, Peyton gets into a huge car accident in season 6 while pregnant. Surprise! She survives.
A pregnant Haley winds up in the hospital after getting hit by a car in season 4. The car that hit her was driven by a loan shark that her hubby Nathan got entangled with. She breaks her foot and spends the next few episodes on crutches, but all in all, she and the baby are fine.
(accident around 3:02 mark)
(accident around 3:02 mark)
For the most part, Brooke's escaped all the near-death experiences. Other than getting attacked in her store and having a little run-in with Quentin's killer, she's managed to stay...very much alive. She wasn't in the school shooting and she missed all the car accidents. That is, until this season. In the last aired episode, she tries to help Jamie and his friends out of an overturned car and almost dies herself when another car rams into it.
(accident around 2:28 mark)
A road-raged Nanny Carrie (another recycled plot line a la Psycho Derek) rams into Dan while he waits for his new heart in season 5. She later tortures him and he ends up killing her. And let's not forget Dan almost died in a fire, in prison and from a bad heart. All close calls.
# of car accidents: 7 (at very least)
# of main character deaths due to those car accidents: 0
These are just the car accidents. I didn't even really get into the other death-ridden plot lines. Karen almost dies during pregnancy complications, Keith does die after Dan shoots him, Deb nearly overdoses on pills, Quinn and Clay get shot by Katy, Lucas has heart failure from his HCM, Rachel and Cooper almost drown, Quentin gets shot by Brooke's attacker, Peyton gets shot in the school shooting.
Actually, that's a sh*t load of shootings too. I could probably go on.
Moral of the story? We don't even care. No fan really does. It doesn't make us hate the show. Neither does the fact that every main character is famous (Peyton a record producer, Lucas a novelist, Brooke a fashion designer, Nathan an NBA star, Haley a musician etc). These are just things we learn to love about One Tree Hill, despite our forced suspension of disbelief.
One request though: Please kill off Mouth in a very dramatic (and appropriately annoying) car crash -- preferably by a car driven by the ghost of Jimmy Edwards or something equally ridiculous. I hate him. Thanks.
Original article:
I would also like to say that I was on the edge of my seat while watching Darkness on the Edge of Town. Quinn, Brooke, Jamie, and Julian were in so much danger! They showed Julian giving Brooke CPR, then showed a hand move, but they had changed scenes to show Quinn!
Brooke and Julian are so great together. The future B. Davis Baker has a good man. <3
This was the 11th episode of Season 8. It could have been a bittersweet ending to the series, except not all the characters were in it. If all goes well, we still have 8 more episodes!
One Tree Hill
Friday, December 10, 2010
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I got into The Chronicles of Narnia franchise after since I fell in love with Prince Caspian.
I have been anxiously waiting for The Dawn Treader. They set up Dawn Treader displays in movie theatres, and every time I saw it, I had to take a picture.
I even did this:
although, this third movie was made by Fox, not Disney.
There wasn't a lot of promotion for the movie. None of the stars came to L.A. to be on talk shows or anything =/
I was late to the theatre, so I missed Lucy, Edmund and Eustace getting sucked back into Narnia through the painting =[
It's funny how the movies really utitlize Edmund's torch (flashlight).
Ben Barnes is hot as ever as King Caspian X. He has this glare that just takes your heart away.
Just one question: what happened to Caspian's SPANISH Telmarine accent? He has a British accent now. It makes him stand out less than the rest of the cast, I suppose. But I also suspect marketing managers considered the Telmarine accent as one of the factors to Prince Caspian's less-than-stellar box office performance (Oh man, does that mean I actually learn stuff in school?).
On that note, I watched it in 3D. There weren't any spectacular effects, so I wouldn't recommend 3D. It's just a way to boost sales.
I like this movie better than the Dawn Treader novel. I think that can be said about all the movies. I would probably feel different if I had read the books as a child.
It was nice to see cameos by Anna and Will. I'm glad it was just a fantasy sequence because this story was about the younger Pevensie siblings.
The need of the swords of the seven lords to be laid at Aslan's table and the evil green mist were not it in the book. They were added to give the film a more distinct goal and antagonist.
Eustace was a dragon for a long time. I thought the dragon was the coolest part of the book. I liked the relationship built between him and Reepicheep.
I really felt for Edmund! Yes, he was a traitor in the first film, but he had learned his lesson. It's okay, Ed, I'm on your team =]
The ending sad once again. Caspian didn't diva out and demand to go with Reepicheep like in the book. That makes sense because Caspian is a teenager in the books where as Ben Barnes' portrayl is a young adult. Ramandu wasn't in the film, and they gave his daughter a name. Oh Lilliandil, you are one lucky star to get to marry Caspian.
Lucy realized she and Ed wouldn't be returning. That always makes me sad! All that work and they don't get to enjoy the magical land.
The left just enough for a possiblility of the another movie installment. Eustace may return. His mom announced Jill Pope came for a visit. I would definitely watch another Narnia movie. The Silver Chair is my favorite book. But if they don't, it was a good run.
I have been anxiously waiting for The Dawn Treader. They set up Dawn Treader displays in movie theatres, and every time I saw it, I had to take a picture.
I even did this:
although, this third movie was made by Fox, not Disney.
There wasn't a lot of promotion for the movie. None of the stars came to L.A. to be on talk shows or anything =/
I was late to the theatre, so I missed Lucy, Edmund and Eustace getting sucked back into Narnia through the painting =[
It's funny how the movies really utitlize Edmund's torch (flashlight).
Ben Barnes is hot as ever as King Caspian X. He has this glare that just takes your heart away.
Just one question: what happened to Caspian's SPANISH Telmarine accent? He has a British accent now. It makes him stand out less than the rest of the cast, I suppose. But I also suspect marketing managers considered the Telmarine accent as one of the factors to Prince Caspian's less-than-stellar box office performance (Oh man, does that mean I actually learn stuff in school?).
On that note, I watched it in 3D. There weren't any spectacular effects, so I wouldn't recommend 3D. It's just a way to boost sales.
I like this movie better than the Dawn Treader novel. I think that can be said about all the movies. I would probably feel different if I had read the books as a child.
It was nice to see cameos by Anna and Will. I'm glad it was just a fantasy sequence because this story was about the younger Pevensie siblings.
The need of the swords of the seven lords to be laid at Aslan's table and the evil green mist were not it in the book. They were added to give the film a more distinct goal and antagonist.
Eustace was a dragon for a long time. I thought the dragon was the coolest part of the book. I liked the relationship built between him and Reepicheep.
I really felt for Edmund! Yes, he was a traitor in the first film, but he had learned his lesson. It's okay, Ed, I'm on your team =]
The ending sad once again. Caspian didn't diva out and demand to go with Reepicheep like in the book. That makes sense because Caspian is a teenager in the books where as Ben Barnes' portrayl is a young adult. Ramandu wasn't in the film, and they gave his daughter a name. Oh Lilliandil, you are one lucky star to get to marry Caspian.
Lucy realized she and Ed wouldn't be returning. That always makes me sad! All that work and they don't get to enjoy the magical land.
The left just enough for a possiblility of the another movie installment. Eustace may return. His mom announced Jill Pope came for a visit. I would definitely watch another Narnia movie. The Silver Chair is my favorite book. But if they don't, it was a good run.
The Chronicles of Narnia
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I didn't know Tangled was a musical! They didn't advertise any of the songs. I guess they wanted it to be a surprise or something. I really liked it! The lantern festival was so magical! They should have done that at Disneyland, though that would be really messy. They really do release lanterns into the sky in China and other countries that celebrate the Lantern Festival for Lunar New Year.
& I like Rapunzel's hair.
& I like Rapunzel's hair.
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