We arrived at the House of Blues around 11:30AM. While waiting in line, we had Fatburger for lunch, despite the fact that i wanted the pasta from Pizza Hut. As we were eating, a Pizza Hut car delivers across the street. It was a sign that we could have, would have, should have gotten the pasta. Everyone got hungry around 6, so we ended up getting it anyway. It was extremely satisfying. Try the freaking pasta at Pizza Hut, it's so good!
Anyway, back to the concert stuff. We got to meet the members of Menudo before the show. Okay, confession, we didn't really know who they were. We were still super excited. I did recognize Zoe Myers and got a picture before she left. I saw Asher, Jared, and Wesley drive in:

NLT was last to arrive. They got off their bus and went straight inside. They waved though.

Mark and James greeted the people in line. They gave out stickers. I had no idea who they were either.
The show starts and V Factory is up first. YouTube videos do nto give them justice. They're phenomenal on stage. You can't help but sing along and scream. But I must say, the only problem was that it went by so fast and was over too soon. =[
There was crazy pushing during Menudo. Some space cleared up for a while, but then NLT came on. Somehow I got pushed from the center to the right side of the crowd.
The non-stop-ness of it all made the concert go by so quick, but the night wasn't over because there was a meet and greet for all the bands afterwards.
With all the craziness of celebrity sightings (including A and C of the ACDC dance crew), we found ourselves at the end of the meet and greet line. Time flew by since we met these cool guys who were just sitting on the side lines. They were on their way out but stayed to keep us company.
From the chill day at school, to the random dancing to "Tearin' Up My Heart" and "We're All in this Together" in the street, to the sweet concert, it was an all around great day.
I had work at 5:30am this morning. My voice was half gone by the end of V Factory's set, and by 1:30am, my voice just sounded retarded. But as my co-worker said, "It's just a sign of a good time." =D