So it's
ironic again: November 18 was the date of the American Music Awards, and now it's the date of the
Twilight Hot Topic Meet and Greet.I went with Mere, Christina, and their friend, Waldo. Meredith and I both love
Jackson Rathbone. Last Thursday, I drove like a maniac after class Hollywood and Highland just to buy the tour tee for my M&G wristband.
Tuesday, we got to Hollywood & Highland just as
Paramore was to perform. There was a lot of screaming. E! News was interview
Taylor Lautner on Level 3. And then, to my surprise,
Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed introduced Paramore. They performed 4 songs. I knew 75% of them. Because we weren't early, we were in the back of the crowd for their performance.
When their set ended, we decided to go find the M&G line. Luckily a Hot Topic staff member informed us the cast would be doing a Q&A on stage. Those with
Paramore M&Gs were told to line up. Soon, everyone else was moving out of the area. So,
we cruised our way toward the front of the crowd. We were almost there when another staff member announced the Q&A on the microphone. Suddenly, everyone stopped moving.
As we waited for the Q&A, Meredith pretended to be Alice as she did my makeup. Finally, it was time for the cast to come out. I was really excited that
Ashley Greene was there too! I got to see all of the Cullens and Jacob.
They started moving us out for our meet and greet. We weren't in a hurry. Wristbands were guaranteed in, so we waited for the line to calm down. We figured it was better to be among the last.
The line was moving pretty damn fast. The concert area had cleared out quickly. Finally, it was our turn. I then saw why the line moved so fast. They were only relocating us, and
the line wrapped around the block.
Meredith made a "free hugs" sign.
We finally made it upstairs. The staff started hounding the
rules on us.
NO personalized posters. NO personal items. NO gifts. NO touching the actors. Basically, get in and out as QUICKLY as possible.
As we entered the store, I saw how a staff member shoved the posters in front of the actors so quickly. The actors were just signing them, not even looking up. I didn't wait this long for nothing! What do I do? Talk to them! I commented on the rapidness of the Hot Topic staff.
Kellan looked up. "Me?" he asked. I said, "No, the Hot Topic Guy.
Kellan, you're slow." I think
Ashley smiled, but I don't quite remember looking at her because
Jackson was next!
I was so excited to see him! I told him I was at Spoilers. "Cool!" he said. The rest of the cast looked up too.
Jackson already signed my poster, but
I asked him to sign my Spoilers lanyard too.
He did, and I was so giddy. I screamed, "I HEART YOU!"
He smiled.
Nikki was smiling at me too. I felt I had to address her insecurity about being Rosalie. I told her that she was great and shouldn't ever think otherwise. She smiled, said thank you, and kind of held out her hand. I touched it.
Taylor looked at me, wanting to shake my hand? I don't remember if I did, lol. Team Edward. Cough.
I think all of that happened in 15 seconds. Once I finished, the staff was like "All right! Thank you! Goodnight!" They said it in a tone that made me realize I broke half of the rules.

We waited with a small crowd for the event to end. All of a sudden, a camera crew came out to film the crowd. Everyone cheered. The crowd and camera were to my left. Out of the corner of my RIGHT eye,
I saw the cast leaving through the other door. Haha, those stealthy vampires.
In my head, I was screaming "OMG THERE THEY ARE!" Luckily, my mouth remained silent. We ran down stairs to follow them. They came out of the elevator. We called Jackson, he smiled, and security sent us away. They left through a door.
We RAN to any and everywhere the door might have led, but we were not successful. As
crazy and
stupid chasing after them was, it was a lot of fun.
We all went to the
Rock Band store after and played for a while.